Please Note: We are away for the 2nd half of September, so if you need your order quickly, please place it before Thursday September 12th.
from: Jill Purce

Healing Voice Intensive - The Sonorous Mandala of Birthing and Dying

After 40 years of both pioneering and developing the whole field of sound healing and 35 years of intense study of Tibetan Buddhism, I have developed a series of extended ceremonies (each week has a different theme), combining continuous chant with an exploration of the geography of consciousness, journeying through the mandala which embodies the union of the sacred masculine and feminine, bliss and emptiness. I have found this work heals like nothing else and changes peoples lives in magical and enduring ways.
So as part of my HEALING VOICE- WEEK INTENSIVE OCTOBER 31st- NOVEMBER 6th in London, the particular theme I will be teaching is the Tibetan Practice of conscious living and dying. It is a wonderful, magical, healing and utterly life-changing week including Overtone Chanting, Breath Yoga, Purification Practices and the journey through the Mandala using chant to liberate us from afflictive emotions which normally make us depressed, unhappy and frustrated, so we experience ecstasy, joy and freedom. Blissful continuous chant and powerful practice learning the highly sophisticated vocal yoga Tibetans use for the ultimate transition, to direct our consciousness at the moment of death and to the ego everyday, as both an essential roadmap for leaving this world and a guide for enlightenment within it.
Check the website....

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